Saturday, January 16, 2016

new year's resolution 2016

check out my new year's resolution! this is partially reason why i started a blog. i kept it really brief so that the resolution is more plausible (but i will also write up a more specific plan on how i am going to make the best out of 2016 in the near future, so stay tuned for that 😬). 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


i’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but i never took action. until i wrote my simple, short new year’s resolution: to express myself better. i always found expressing myself hard. (public speaking is probably the worst: hands sweat, voice breaks, heart palpitating like fast.) my philosophy was as long as you don’t speak, you wouldn’t be misunderstood and nothing would go wrong. when something bothered me, i would hold it in and forget about it as time passes. however, i came to realize that saying out loud how you feel and what you think is important. having your voice heard is important. no one is going to translate your feelings/thoughts to words for you, so you have to do the hard part yourself. i’m changing this aspect about myself this year, starting from social media because talking to friendly strangers should be easier than talking in person. this blog serves as my voice.